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The 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Moral Education Institute of Central China Normal University Part 2: Shi Zhongying: Value Education and Proper Life

Aauthor: Tue, Sep 26 2023 08:37 PM Click:[] Editor: [崔馨语]

On 16th September, at the invitation of the Institute of Moral Education and the Education College at Huazhong Normal University, Professor Zhongying Shi, Dean of the Institute of Education at Tsinghua University, gave a lecture at the Institute of Moral Education. Professor Lei Wanpeng from the Graduate School, Chen Xueling, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Education, Deputy Secretary Su Chunyan, Vice Dean Professor Lei Jianghua, Professor Pu Rui, Professor Luo Zubing, Professor Dai Weifen, and Professor Du Shizhong, Director of the Institute of Moral Education, Professor Cheng Hongyan, Deputy Director of the Institute, Associate Professor Lu Xu, Associate Professor Zhang Tianyi, and Associate Professor Sun Yinguang, and others, attended the meeting. Over a hundred students also attended the meeting. The lecture was held in Room 905 of Tian Jiabing Education Building, and a branch venue was opened in Room J502.

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