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Our School organizes teachers and students to watch the celebration and commendation conference of 2023 Teachers' Day

Aauthor: Thu, Sep 14 2023 08:28 PM Click:[] Editor: [崔馨语]

On 13th September, the 2023 Teachers' Day celebration and commendation conference of Central China Normal University was held in the lecture hall on the first floor of the Science Hall. All school leaders, recipients of important awards and talent projects (selected candidates), representatives of staff who have been teaching for thirty or forty years, retired teachers, representatives of newly hired teachers, and main leaders of each unit attended the meeting. The School of Education has set up a branch venue in the 909 Lecture Hall of Tian Jiabing Education Building, organizing the leadership team of the college, department heads, representatives of young teachers, and student backbone members of the Youth League Committee, Student Union, and Graduate Union to watch the conference. Retired teacher Dan Zhaobin, as a retired representative from the School of Education, came on stage to receive the certificate. Professor Guo Yuanxiang, Professor  Chen Youqing, and Professor Lei Wanpeng, as important award recipients, took the stage to receive the award. Professor Guo Yuanxiang, as a national level talent, came on stage to receive the award. New teachers Meng Yu and Cheng Zhe came on stage to participate in the onboarding oath. Professor Guo Yuanxiang took the oath.

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