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Representatives from School of Education Attend the '8th Think Tank and Education Governance 50-Person Roundtable Forum and the 4th BFSU Forum on Comparative Education and International Education

Aauthor: Sun, Nov 26 2023 08:25 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]

On November 26th, the '8th Think Tank and Education Governance 50-Person Roundtable Forum and the 4th Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) Forum on Comparative Education and International Education' was held at Beijing Foreign Studies University. The forum was organized by the National Education Governance Research Institute of Central China Normal University, the Yangtze Education Research Institute, and the International Education School of Beijing Foreign Studies University. The theme of this forum was 'Education Powerhouse Construction under the Changing International Landscape'. As a special guest, Professor Zhou Hongyu from School of Education, a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Education, Dean of the National Education Governance Research Institute, and Dean of the Yangtze Education Research Institute, delivered a keynote report titled 'How Far is China from Becoming an Education Powerhouse'. Professor Liu Laibing from School of Education presented the educational research results published in the 'Educational Governance Research' (Autumn 2022 edition) at the conference. Professor Shen Guochang from School of Education, the Executive Dean of the National Education Governance Research Institute, presided over the closing ceremony.

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