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School of Education's Institute of Higher Education Hosts the Second Work Symposium of the Hubei Higher Education Research Institute"

Aauthor: Sun, Dec 17 2023 08:32 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]

"On December 16th, the second work symposium of the Hubei Higher Education Research Institute was held at our university's Yifu International Conference Center. The meeting was organized by the Hubei Higher Education Research Institute and hosted by the Institute of Higher Education of our school. Wu Bo, Deputy Director of the Higher Education Division of the Hubei Provincial Department of Education, Chen Tingzhu, Dean of the Hubei Higher Education Research Institute, Zhang Junchao, Executive Vice Dean, and representatives of higher education researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Technology, South-Central University for Nationalities, China Three Gorges University, and Hubei University attended the meeting. From our Institute of Higher Education, Professor Ouyang Guanghua, Professor Zhou Xiaoli, Associate Professor Zou Yihuan, Associate Professor Xing Huan, Dr. Tan Yingfang, and Dr. Cheng Zhe participated.

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