研究领域涉及特殊儿童与特殊教师发展,绘本教学,擅长量化与实验研究。本硕博期间参加多项关于天才儿童,普通儿童与特殊儿童的心理与认知评估项目,以及特殊教育教师专业发展与培训的项目,具有丰富的特殊儿童评估与干预经验。在《中国特殊教育》《Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education》《Frontier in Psychology》《Teaching and Teacher Education》《Current Psychology》《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》《child indicator study》等CSSCI和SSCI期刊上发表科研论文十余篇。
1.Wang CG,Fu WQ,Geng KJ,Wang Y.The Relationship Between Deaf Adolescents’ Empathy and Subjective Well-Being in China During COVID-19
Pandemic: The Inconsistent Role of Peer Support and Teacher Support.child indicator study.(SSCI,Q2)
2.Wang CG,Fu WQ,Wu XC,Wang Y. Just world beliefs and altruistic behaviors of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of empathy.[J]. Current psychology ,2023.(SSCI,Q2)
3.Wang CG, Fu W, Cheng L, et al. Teaching with picture books on deaf and hard-of-hearing Students’ creativity[J]. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2021, 26(2): 278-295.(SSCI,Q2)
4.Liao, W., Wang, C.G., Zhou, J., Cui, Z., Sun, X., Bo, Y., ... & Dang, Q. (2022). Effects of equity-oriented teacher education on preservice teachers: A systematic review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 119, 103844.(SSCI,Q1)
5.Fu W, Wang C, Tang W,et al. Emotional Intelligence and Well-Being of Special Education Teachers in China: The Mediating Role of Work-Engagement[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021: 3595.(SSCI,Q1)